Bringing innovation to Light !

Lab Works - Updated every quater of the year


Author : Emmanuel Victor Quarm - CEO- TEK Business Group

Decemeber 2024

The reason why thermal management is so vital in today’s product development strategies and techniques is because most devices rely on this for highly efficient performance just like human beings rely on the respiratory system to function. But there is a big difference in regard to the cooling architecture design system and the need to advance on this architecture becomes more and more apparent as we move closer to industry four.

The demand for compact and complex, high performing devices comes with a price for the consumer but poses a big engineering design challenge for product developers because of the factors that needs to be considered to efficiently produce a better product than previous old versions. And thermal management can no longer be disregarded as a minor issue due to size, space, and performance. To be able to successfully model thermal dissipation systems, it is worth considering factors such as material property, fluid property, as well as space, size and application. Simulation can then be performed to predict best use cases that provides best performance under ideal or adverse conditions.

Elements such as water, oil, mercury, metals, air are crucial materials that preserve the balance between performance of many devices, and these are well incorporated as cooling systems in our everyday devices. They are designed as cooling fins, cooling tubes, cooling vacuum etc to allow the intake of the fluids as an impeding matter to combat heat gains when devices are in use.

Thermal management is also essential for not just compact device but also operating plants and machines, factory of the future and other state of the art machines however product design poses a big challenge to some of the most delicate micro devices on the market.

With the advent of new improved materials technology such as graphene, we will be able to realise gain more thermal management success on areas where it was deemed impossible


Author : Emmanuel Victor Quarm - CEO- TEK Business Group

September 2024

Innovation always set apart the best from the rest and is no different in the automotive industry. Back in the early stages in the car manufacturing industry, there were few competitors all striving to gain traction and capture large share of the market however, none had the foresight like Henry Ford. He saw the future of industrial automotive like none of his competitors and that was what made a successful businessman. Ford automotive industries – Ford Motors, had a very systematic manufacturing process in place that could be compared to none. This idea gradually developed and led to realising the importance of automation and how effective it could increase industrial productivity in all sectors of manufacturing and so this model was adopted by many industrialists all over the world to increase productivity in manufacturing process.

Moving forward to this era shows how far product development in manufacturing have come since the early stages. New methods and improved systematic approach on manufacturing innovation regarding automation paved the way for some of the best production lines ever seen at the factory level and shop floors.

Robots now play a vital role in enabling automation within assembling lines, and commissioning process of most manufacturing companies. But we are yet to see the full potential of this technology since Robots have yet to replace many of the so-called work categories which are considered dangerous or poses threat to human life or impossible to be accomplished by man. There are also challenges with regards to ethics, but new regulations and legislature makes this much more deployable nowadays than previously. There is also the growing concern within middle class workers about jobs loses or being replaced by robots however, this could be well addressed if the community are informed about the purpose of this technology and its benefit. The future of work keeps evolving as we move into industry four and there is no doubt that more and more human labour forces would have to be replaced by robots however, it is also clear the impact this brings as a domino effect on developing new business models that creates new jobs. This means that the labourwork force will have be upskilled to take on new jobs in the future.

Robots comes in all kinds of forms depending on their field of application but there are more areas of application that are yet to be explored which required further research. Although controls systems engineering play a vital role in the disciplinary field on knowledge based robotics, it would not have progressed to this stage if incorporation of many technologies were not explored. Artificial intelligence is now a subject of interest as researchers become curious on how its incorporation can pave the way to self-learning devices and machines of the future with less supervision. This will not be possible if other aspect of engineering is not considered in the process. The industrial internet of things – IioT, advanced sensors and materials, nano technology, Micromechanical devices - MeM’s , mechatronics and neural engineering are just a few areas that can not be disregarded if we are to see the full potential of robotics.


Author : Emmanuel Victor Quarm - CEO- TEK Business Group

June 2024

The law of conservation of energy states that energy can neither be formed or destroyed but rather transformed from one state to the other. Efficiency is harnessed to the fullest when the usage of energy is achieved at every stage along the process of transformation. This analogy can be likened to sustainability however, sustainability relies on resource efficiency.

Since the industrial revolution era, we have always devised innovative processes to incorporate sustainable ways of designing, developing, manufacturing, and recycling product. However, back then, most of these innovations were seen as only economic benefit for the industry and any other alternative which proves to become more cost beneficial can cause the so-called sustainable approach to be replaced.

This isn’t the case anymore and the global climate change problem seem to pose the most challenging question for this generation on combating global warming and pollution. This generation is faced with the task of implementing new regulation and laws that will see the reduction pollution and global warming. Sustainability will be the catalyst that will drive us to the fourth industrial revolution considering all the emerging technologies that will play a contributing factor on unleashing the potential of this industrial revolution.

For the fist time in the history of industrialisation, more than half of the worlds energy will be produced from renewable energy however, we cannot still make a smooth transition to industry four without sustainability which means maximising resources in all fields, sectors within any industry. By so doing, we create an industrial culture that considers life cycle as well as end of life cycle of every product or service introduced on the market. Design for remanufacturing, design for recycling will pave the way for new waste management design innovations. Service providers and institutions will find more innovative ways of doing business with the customers without the need to unwanted resources.

The emergence of the internet of things – IoT, has enabled easy communication channels, smart mobile devices and smart sensors, EV Vehicles, autonomous vehicles, Smart robotics high performance computing- HPC ,etc. All of these play a vital contribution on making the transition to industry four. Learning from our mistakes is a major factor on importance of sustainability for the industry as a whole.


Author : Emmanuel Victor Quarm - CEO- TEK Business Group

March 2024

There is no doubt that the internet of things -IOT plays a major role on the impact of the advancement of technology but it also pose a security challenge within any IoT architecture framework . Security and connectivity always comes into play when delving into matters relating to the IoT. Nowadays we find most of our mobile devices , home appliances, vehicles , aeroplanes , and ships loaded with connected wireless application technology to enable easy connectivity when required . The Wifi, NFC, blue tooth are just a few examples of the wireless connected application technologies that could be accessed at numerous places with our mobiles devices.

With security playing a vital role in the future of advanced IoT, it is important to consider the pros and cons of the best wireless technologies which enables connectivity.

I have been a strong LIFI wireless connectivity enthusiast from the start, and I believe its application in the future would be much useful than predicted. So why has it taken so long for the technology to be recognised and be used on our mobile devices and places. Well, the answer to that is much more than meeting standards required for the technology to be deployed successfully. Light fidelity uses light rather than radio waves to distribute wireless internet connectivity to connected devices. The technology relies on the transmission of light which could be either LED's or lasers. There are other challenges regarding connectivity issues when it was initially announced as a breakthrough technology , this was mainly due to internet connectivity speed for mobile devices as a result of the source of light – LED used for wireless internet connectivity on connected devices however, funding has allowed research work to be carried out to further improve the efficiency of light transmission emitted by the light emitted diodes - LED's and this has gradually improved connectivity speeds . Light intensity is a major factor when it comes to the usage of this technology and so it is no surprise when researchers turn their focus on using lasers as the source of light. Using lasers increases enormously the speed of internet connectivity, compared to LED’s , this is almost 100Gb/s , thus 100 times faster than 1Gb/s internet speed from an LED source. However, using laser beam also has its disadvantage which lies within the efficacy rates level but having the right source of laser could be the answer to this problem. Many researchers are considering infrared laser beam source as the ideal light source for the distribution of wireless internet for our connected devices.

One unique factor that makes this technology very much security proof is the fact that light transmission does not travel through walls but rather stays in a confined environment unlike the other internet connected technologies mentioned and for that matter, it provides a safer way of having your device safely connected wherever you may find yourself. The applications and services regarding this in the future can be tremendously huge when this technology is well marketed and deployed.

This could be used on aeroplanes, ships , restaurants , factory shop floors , hotels and other public facilities without the need to worry about data breaches .


Author : Emmanuel Victor Quarm - CEO- TEK Business Group

December 2023

The application of lasers in material processing has been in existence for a while now and the industry has kept up the pace to meet market demands with regards to quality, time to market and cost . However, many expert including myself, believe that there is unlimited possibilities in sector fields, methods and techniques which have not yet been explored. In fact, we have just scratched the surfaces of the real potential this technology offer for the future of the material processing industry.

Using laser as a tool replaced many conventional industrial material processing methods but the application of laser in each methods or technique cannot be simply defined by the methods or the physical technique being used. That is why many of the industry techniques used nowadays for laser material processing can not afford to disregard the type of laser used.

Many of the laser material processing techniques such as laser welding , laser cutting , laser engraving , laser drilling , laser sintering or laser spot welding require a specific defined type of laser that can perform extremely better that the rest . For a physicist designing any type of laser for a material application such as the few mentioned above must consider so many factors that come into play such as the physical properties of the lasers which makes it ideal for the application in question. It is also imperative that these ideal qualities meet any requirements and specifications in regard to the working materials and their properties.

One of the unique properties of the Diode lasers is its beam properties, its actually exhibits two axis unlike any other laser, The short axis and the long axis. This can be beneficial for many research applications. I pioneered the welding of polymer materials using high powered diode lasers developed as prototypes version from a high-powered diode laser welding machine for welding polymers as my project work. Welding polymers is a difficult task however, its application could reach all sectors in the industry.

The challenge was to find the best suitable laser for the job. Choosing Diode lasers was mainly due to my solid-state physics backgrounds which gave me a firm ground on how I could manipulate beam properties in laser propagation mode. I justified my choice with mathematics and physics and proved that it is possible by developing a programmable computer software interface that could control the welding process. I conducted several trials for approximately eight months before successfully achieving a perfect weld seem with a tensile strength, more than 5 times better than conventional methods .

I recently read in the August edition of the Electro-optics magazine of an UltraWeld joint project between oxford University, Coherent , Glass technology services , CPI , Heriot-Watt, Gooch and Housego and Leonardo working on a project to develop ultrafast laser micro-welding and joining of uncommon materials with different properties, thus glass to metal.

I can imagine the challenges that such a project brings considering many uncertainties to be resolved however, choosing Ultrafast lasers as a tool cannot be disputed as ultrafast lasers have recently become popular due to their ideal properties for many applications in laser material processing .


Author : Emmanuel Victor Quarm - CEO- TEK Business Group

September 2023

I talked about computer micro chip design and some of the security flaws within the design architectural framework on my June Post which emphasised on the need for a more robust security foundation in the design of computer hardware delivery systems.

Systems designers are now aware of some of the loopholes within computer hardware design framework architecture which easily gives away unauthorised attacks and intrusion, but this cannot be overlooked by active work being done to resolve these problems. The fact that software security design programmes are executable by computer electronic built architecture compromises many security initiatives and this is primarily due to having well documented process of action which could be accessed. The implications when a programmable function is allowed to be executable on the computer processor controlled by either unauthorised or authorised person can lead to security breaches since the required security information can be easily accessed.However, FPGA, on the other hand provides a different route to computer security architecture as security rendering is done on the computer hardware rather than the software. The Security vulnerability scale for normal computer hardware controlled by a software function on the processor is very high compared to field programmable gateway array - FPGA because it is programmed and designed to initiate a gateway which bypasses any security control implemented via the FPGA accelerator. FPGA blocks are becoming much more popular at huge data centres and in design fledging industries where requirements need to be changed every now and then.

I have always been an advocate on computer security design works especially, the hardware architecture and I believe that is the best way forward in tackling unauthorised intrusion and cyber security attacks due to the difficulty hackers are faced cracking the FPGA block.


Author : Emmanuel Victor Quarm - CEO- TEK Business Group

June 2023

On my previous note , I touched on the topic on security by design and the focus had much broader scope than usual, so I have decided to emphasis more on this by focusing on online accounts. Since the slow declination usage of the Netscape browser which was popular during the late nineties. We have seen the rise in popularity of usage of browsers such as the MS explorer, the google chrome, Firefox-Mozilla and apple Mac - safari just to name a few. In fact, any developer can make his/her own browser however, compatibility issues limit usage on visiting many websites due to design strategies used by most web host or web designers. It is an exposure worth having to appreciate the existence of this so-called popular browsers.

Internet browsers came up during the early stages of the internet revolution as a result of the world wide web- WWW bubble, a tool with a specific function to engage directly with the physical server through web navigation via the usage of web address to visit any web page, anywhere in the world.

The design and user interface for the few mentioned browsers above are not the same however, they do have one common function of keeping the end user fully enticed or indulged to their favourite website, as a result, there could be some compromises made by the end user without noticing the effect. The steady impact and negative effect of data breaches has brought about immediate changes to the way our data is handled online but there is still a lot to be done.

Nowadays, information is shared online in so many ways, and it is important that the end user takes charge on whatever information is given. This is however a complicated case because any website visited online is administered using your favourite browser, but also any information collected from any visited page is not necessarily administered by your browser. And although your browser might store information such as your most visited pages, password, search results and cache etc, the end user has the option to alter the settings for safe browsing, but this cannot be achieved without having a safe secured online account. A typical example is being ask for your consent to accept the terms and conditions whilst visiting a webpage. By accepting any terms and conditions outlined, you have given the permission for some of your daily online browsing behaviour to be monitored. These cookies either act in a positive or negative way depending on the dynamics but the real issue here is not about that but rather cyber security vulnerabilities

This has posed serious issues to big companies losing out on customer’s data due to failure to implement right internet security infrastructure or cyber security guidelines. In May 2018, The GDPR – General Data protection regulations came into full effect which allowed a bit of security in terms of how data is handled, kept and shared by organisation.

Now three years onwards, we are still faced with issues of data breaches with hackers developing new ways of getting information from website where most information are kept on either a portal or account settings. I believe it is worth having an ICT security standard in place for any online operating business to observe and put in place secure online log in systems. The period of using just a password is no longer safe and hackers now have an overwhelming possibility to get your details.

If we can ensure that every business operating in the UK online, can propose a safe route by having a facility for password security check such as either two step methods via phone, fingerprint, facial recognition, or a pin. This will adversely limit the amount of data breaches and bring back the confidence for the online customer and encourage the end users digital experience.


Author : Emmanuel Victor Quarm - CEO- TEK Business Group

March 2023

I became a computer fanatic as far back in 1993 when my brother used to work on his PC learning DOS. Those huge diskettes occupied everywhere on his desk and somehow, I got inquisitive on knowing what DOS was.

Looking back, it amazes me on the progress made on information technology and its infrastructure currently in place to enable IoT devices.

Buying a computer for either domestic home usages or your normal day to day business activities nowadays does not require much information to get the computer you want. It was different back in 2000, when I purchased my first AMD CPU processor. Back then, the intel Pentium series processor was just out on the market and was a huge success, but it was also expensive. I had a limited budget, but I did not let that compromise my high computing specification standards. I did some research work and then bought any CPU that meets my required specifications. I went against the norms and chose the best AMD processor ever to be used at the Hostel where I resided. Considering how unpopular it was, back then, I managed to use this for five years in operation without any problems.

The market dynamics of the computing industry keeps changing and this is mainly driven by the huge electronics consumer market. The solid-state, semi-conductor, computing micro-chip industry and design of computing processors are controlled by companies mainly based in Asia, USA as well as Europe. The recent shortage of computing micro-chips brought a lot of attention on the future market dynamics and who the big players were. And while these big industries’ trademarks stamps are not seen on your regular computers, it is rather the design processor-CPU trademarks and the software trademarks that is normally shown. From an engineering point of view, this is the reality of understanding the components and parts that forms any product and realising that the target market for the micro-chip industries is far bigger than just CPU computing industry. This is evidently seen on most recent electronic gadget in many aspects of lives from smart TVs, mobile phones, fridges, vehicles to our cookers, the electronic micro-chip might as well be relevant than it is deemed.

My focus on this post is rather on computer processor designing companies like Intel, AMD, QUALCOMM and ARM as well as Nvidia just to mention the few major known ones. AMD , for the first time in 15 years made some huge market gains in the first quarters of 2021 against Intel according to Mercury research , this shows how dominant Intel Corporation has been for the past few years with regards to CPU sales. The competition for speed, power and performance has enabled solutions for more sophisticated electronics design for transistors architecture and in light of having as many micro-chips placed on a single board to enable computing performance, engineers are faced with technical issues and security flaws which could be targeted by hackers as a gateway within computer hardware architecture.

As far as I am aware, none of the above-mentioned companies can be left out of the discussion on this matter. So how can these companies ensure that the next generation of computing processing units -CPU and graphical processing units -GPU can withstand the test of time. I still believe the answer lies in the hardware architecture design framework. Computing speed, power, and performance are so important but can also not be compensated with security flaws and other vulnerabilities and the solutions to this is finding more convenient ways and space on placing more chips on circuits boards for great performance.

As Moore’s law gradually diminishes, the way forward in CPU hardware design architecture could potentially be considering and enabling Nano-chip design innovation using lithographical technological approaches to disrupt the industry. I see this as a major future innovation breakthrough research, as we enter industry four


Author : Emmanuel Victor Quarm - CEO- TEK Business Group

December 2022

More than 60 years ago, a research engineer named Gordon Moore made a very interesting prediction upon his investigation into the development of transistors for electronics components. He predicted that the number of transistors will double every year until it reached 65000 by the year 1975. This prediction proved to be true, and it was later revised to become the Moore’sLaw. He noticed the rate and demand for more speed and computing power as well as the possibility of making transistors even cheaper. So, his assumptions came from an economic point of view of the electronics industry in the early days.

Moving forward to this modern day and age where the microchip industry has advanced because of new methods and techniques of mounting transistors on a chip. Is logical to say that Moore’s law might just fulfil a philosophical meaning rather than a law. Many scientist and engineers, argue on this based on the fact that the conditions under which this prediction was made, no longer holds but there is other scientist who oppose this idea by doing all possible means to conform and uphold the Moore’s law. In fact, from mathematical point of view, Moore’s law expressed an exponential factor of growth and speed, but exponentials always have a limit and thus comes to an end. This implies that from this modern day’s perception, sustainability plays a major factor in manufacturing and there should be more innovative ways to deliver speed and performance if there is any advancement to be seen in the industry.

As I mentioned there are other companies still conforming to the guide by a way of initiating a ten percent increase in electronics however, I believe its time we give this a break and concentrate on more innovative ways in opto-electronics which will enable new microchips to be manufactured based on current cutting edge research breakthrough which might be currently at our disposal.

Gordon Moore was a true visionary and great scientist who paved the way for the design and development of the modern microchip. His contributions to the industry will be remembered even after my generation because innovation is accomplished by learning from the past technologies but as far as physics is concerned, I don’t think his approach and methods will be relevant for the future industry but rather a valid one


Author : Emmanuel Victor Quarm - CEO- TEK Business Group

September 2022

I am of the view that many businesses favour the use of the Microsoft operating systems and this can be proven as a fact as many businesses globally use this on a daily basis however, the function of an operating system for business purposes should conform to a specific business activities. This is generally because a computer operating system should have features and functionalities which are compatible, usable, flexible, visible as well as affordable. These factors could be reason why many businesses use MS operating systems in the homes as well as businesses .

In this day and age - The information technology era, an operating system should be considered a vital part of any business mainly, due to the fact that it administers your entire business portfolio, plans and models on one controlled computer software interface. This controlled software interface should be considered in the conventional sense as the built mechanism for your file-folder storage system, your tools storage system as well as your communication link to prospective client as well as security. From this perspective, it is much clearer why any business’s requirement may be different and why it is important to assess business model for the right operating systems.

There are several operating systems in existence however, my focus will be on just computer operating systems like the Macintosh operating systems- Mac OS, the google chrome operating systems- Chrome OS , Microsoft operating systems – MS OS and many other open-source operating systems like the Linux, Unix, Ubuntu and Debian.

They all have a different software architecture framework design and although most can be used to perform normal day to day tasks, their main function and design framework is entirely meant to meet a specific work programme or task.

So, let now consider an example of these business requirements that might require the need for another operating system rather than an MS OS. A graphic design business or a building architect design business’s ideal requirement for design will be ultimately well met using the MAC OS due to stable and fast graphical interface speed which helps in design flow work. An engineering business requirement is ultimately tied on choosing speed, memory, space and good graphics and I personally think MS OS, MAC OS and Google OS will meet any of these business requirements when configured in the right way. For computer programming experts and coders, the opensource operating systems provides a perfect platform for interactions and exploration where programmers can either extend a function on the operating system for it’s own specific business requirements. This has proven to be popular among many computer app developing businesses and engineers working in the multitasking environment.

Small businesses with minimum resources can rely on the open source because most of the tools can be installed for free however its limitations on not being able to use most application tools developed specifically for MAC OS, MS OS and google OS can be rectified by using web application tools if available. Most opensource operating systems like the linux/Unix offer tools to be installed for app compatibility within its own domain.

Now the real challenge is being able to tailor your business requirements to the best operating system that offers best value for money and I believe productivity and efficiency also depends on making the right choice for your ‘built mechanism’ – The computer operating system


Author : Emmanuel Victor Quarm - CEO- TEK Business Group

June 2022

I believe every scientist at a point wants an appreciation shown for any efforts and contributions in raising standards of living in this day in life. We cannot forget some of the the great scientist/engineers who paved the way for technologies like the internet, the telephone, the television and many more.

However, there is one technology that seems to be disregarded and underestimated through the eyes of many, even some professional scientist. I am talking about LASER Technology (light amplification of stimulated emitted radiation) Lasers comes in all forms, from solid state to gaseous however, its development with regards to methods varies according to every application. The principles and concepts on the development of a laser component is purely, electro-optical-mechanical often coupled with information technology systems for control and data analysis.

For the sake of my readers, I will not be delving too much into the complex physics and engineering behind most of the subject matters on this page but rather concentrate on delivering the message in a manner where even the lay person can read and grasp something.

I came from a laser engineering background and I was really antagonised at the level of information about this technology when I graduated. Most recruiters could not associate your knowledge to anything else but industrial machines, which on the contrary, can be patronising only if they know what applications and area of expertise this cuts across.

The applications of laser technology is very much dependent on computing engineering for most and there would not be any breakthrough without computer science. It is obvious though that its core applications are mainly associated in the heavy industrial sector such as automotive, aeronautics, manufacturing, and telecommunication. However it also forms part of our day to day life and people do not realise or acknowledge the fact that life would have been very uncomfortable without this technology.

The bar code reader is a typical example of the laser at its best performance. This simple but yet fascinating device can be found in every working environment in this modern day. But how relevant is it, how will life be without this. Imagine how logistics would be like without this technology or buying food from the groceries. The fundamentals science behind this device is embodied in lines of codes printed on items that recognises each bar code as a separate entity to enable us to differentiate between products. Data is centralised in a stored location on a server for any future analysis.

How possibly can this not be intriguing or fascinating to the lay person.


Author : Emmanuel Victor Quarm - CEO- TEK Business Group

March 2022

We are gradually catching up with the age of smart automation for many aspect of our lives by means of making our day to day living much more convenient but most importantly efficient due to the fact that we are learning how to use resources much more efficient, And as we make a transition to the forth industrial revolution , these technologies will play a vital role in making sure that resources are maximised to its full use. Connected devices and sensors are the key components and players here with regards to the internet of things and without this there will be no smart automation.

A typical industry which is experiencing a fast change is the automotive industry as a result of industry four which enables all the vital element for the perfect vehicle to be manufactured. The UK and many countries are now making a fast transition into the production of EV powered vehicle as well as hydrogen powered vehicles but what are the difference in the approach and technology behind these two technologies and what makes them so special to be considered and favoured.

Well , first comes the factor of fuel consumption which is far less better compared to the a petrol fuelled vehicle so the argument is clear from this point onwards. With EV and hydrogen powered vehicles , I always use the market scenario in the 1980’s when Beta-mac and VHS video player where both launched on the market . The market reaction and the aftermath played an important role in determining the better product and although the dynamics for the automotive market might be different it is still too early to tell which of the two technologies are the best.

I personally prefer an electric car based on many factors and the pace at which the battery technology is advancing gives me hope that this can be the vehicle of the future however I can not rule out the hydrogen powered cars impact on the environment when climate change is a matter of much concern. , it is important to note that both technology are still at its early stages and a breakthrough in research can be a game changer so Rather than talking about the engineering behind each vehicle , I would rather discuss the advantages of both

- EV cars are much cheaper than hydrogen cars

- EV cars are much safer than hydrogen cars

- Hydrogen powered cars are environmentally friendly

- Public transport will favour hydrogen technology due to infrastructure and networks

- EV has more fuellingstation compared to hydrogen powered vehicles due to sales

Many research companies had initially invested heavily in EV vehicle manufacturing and large battery plant research stations but hydrogen powered energy is catching up and this is mainly due to information available through research on making this much more safer and cheaper for the consumers but there is still a lot to be done to meet the EV technology in regards to consumer sustenance.

We can not be placed in a better position than this as we head towards a net zero emission for the future of transportation and I hope both technologies can thrive side by side without the market facing a beta-mac against VHS scenario


Author : Emmanuel Victor Quarm - CEO- TEK Business Group

December 2021

The advent of the internet of things and other emerging technologies has enabled so many possibilities that could not be imagined in the past. Imagine the possibility of automated laboratory where there is no need to be manned – Man less , all enabled by the use of automated technology. At the moment, majority of the state of the art laboratories still require some sort of a manly controlled technology and although artificial intelligence technology has enabled a lot , it is still in its initial phases and we are yet to see the full potential that can be derived from this technology.

We have come from far, from the times of analogue gadgets like meters , oscilloscope , transistors and large computer monitors and CPU’s to highly intelligent and smart gadgets which are able to communicate to each other via interconnected devices enabled by sensors , and the internet of things . Artificial intelligent through machine learning has paved a way for this state of the art, innovative technology. Any laboratory which is able to operate autonomously by certain standards as a result of artificial intelligence can be labelled as smart Laboratory but why smart laboratory and why is this so vital for the future of advanced digital manufacturing.

The emergence of technologies such as quantum computing, High intelligence robotics, artificial intelligent ,automation , augmented reality , autonomous vehicles , highly intelligent navigational systems , satellite and tracking systems , EV cars with state of the art battery technology, telematics and other emerging technologies means there is the demand and the need to provide a more innovative environment where manufacturing processes and systems design operations can be provided in a much efficient manner and in a cost effective manner while maintaining sustainability and flexibility by maximising resources . The gradual building process of smart laboratory throughout the entire continent is a reflection of how expert , scientist and engineers perceive the future of advanced digital manufacturing and in an effort to meet the goals for the future.

At the moment , a typical smart laboratory should at least entail a certain elements of smart technology to be able to be qualified as one . This is not limited to high performance computing system ( HPC ) with remote and cloud capabilities. Highly smart interconnected sensors and hard wares to enable effective communication between installed electronic gadget and equipment. High performance cloud enabled and other networks for systems manufacturing, design , testing and validation work . This should be the basic technological infrastructure which could enable smart laboratory in line with the demands ahead of us as a result of industry four and the transition to industry five for advanced digital manufacturing.


Author : Emmanuel Victor Quarm - CEO- TEK Business Group

September 2021

The design framework for the past decade has shiftit’s focus on security mainly due to the internet of things and industry four. The emerging technologies within the science and technology industry requires rigorous changes to be made in order to establish a standardised plain field where the same language can be understood between developers, designers, engineers , users and architect . Artificial intelligence for once is gradually setting its grounds in software development and its application transcends from the modern homes , marine engineering, aeronautics and automotive engineering , just to mention a few.

It is however, not clear how security challenges encountered by professionals in this field are handling some of these issues due to previous fundamental security negligence which has engulfed the entire industry. In the past years , it was safe using a password to access your email and other online services however, this has changed as hackers and security expert find loopholes in todays software architecture. The two steps login system is a typical example on how the end user has become venerable to threat and precautions taken by developers to address this challenge .

However, the main issue to be addressed transcends far beyond this as a result of the fourth industrial revolution which converges some of the most complex ideologies into technology . Enabling emerging technologies like automation within manufacturing ,machine learning ,augmented reality ,artificial intelligence and quantum computing for future application would require developers and engineers to put security by design on the highest priority . Just imagine any flaw occurring as a result of security failure for an autonomous vehicle on the highway or a flaw occurring as a result of security failure on data leakage , controlled by artificial intelligence within the banking industry. The adverse effect would be catastrophic and reason why most engineers and developers in the industry are demanding for changes in security protocols to address industry four security challenges.

I personally believe that it is vital to have a commonstandardised security protocol guidelines to be observed by every manufacturer, by so doing , an implementation is made to address security chaos.


Author : Emmanuel Victor Quarm - CEO- TEK Business Group

June 2021

Have you ever been in a situation where you have tried transferring a CAD work from one format to another format where you were faced with complications . Well, this is due to the fact that there are at the moment two major owners of the CAD kernel used by most software developers and they are licensed by either Dassault or by Siemens.

But before we get into this I would like to shed light on the CAD Kernel itself. This is generally a 3D geometric programme which is used to alter and translate complex mathematical functions into 3D geometric shapes within CAD programs and software. The two major owners of the copy rights and royalties developed this about thirty years ago and they have maintained a clear monopoly on this however , they have been several attempt by other small businesses and start-ups on developing from scratch a new ,modern CAD kernel. This is not an easy task as it requires a different skill compared to coding especially with regards to mathematical functions and algebraic expressions.

Now , let me get to the initial subject matter where I stressed on the issue on complication with transferring CAD work from different CAD . This has been critical problem in the past but however this is not an issue anymore as the issues has been rectified. The complications now which exist is transferring a file format from the two vendors , this because both Siemens and Dassault systems have a their CAD KERNEL built in a different manner and all the CAD software companies using any of the mentioned vendors are faced with customer relations issues as a result of trying to switch files from one user to the other.

A new standardised form of CAD kernel could potentially help resolve issues from switching from one software to the other.


Author : Emmanuel Victor Quarm - CEO- TEK Business Group

March 2021

I consider this subject matter as a very important topic based on the technological transformation and the impact of computer programming in the science and technology industry and for that matter any industry as a whole. Anyone with a passion for software development will be able to tell you some of the frustrations and excitements in coding but also how computer programming languages have changed since the last decade. Some very popular languages from the past like FORTRAN, PASCAL , PEARL just to mention a few are no longer mentioned nowadays by reviewers when talking about popularity , however, popularity nowadays, also refers to ease of use.

My experience with pascal was a no good experience but irealise this after getting on board with C and C++ and although i struggled to write better codes with pascal, it felt different coding in C++ and this was purely based on how the C++ is written but also due to the fact that i started learning one of the complex computer programming languages as an entry level to computer engineering field. Most engineers nowadays will list Python,Java and C++ as the top languages for almost all applications and upon reflection on this matter, i ask myself why some of the these languages keep fading away or is there a possibility of making it better. After all, the inventor of python- Guido Van Rossum's original work is not what we see today with regards to the python programming language. it was however, recognised by many engineers of its good qualities and characteristics for open source and this helped in the gradual improvement to its present form.

This brings me to the topic of smart coding and how important it is for today's computer software industry. I use the term smart coding not just for observing the core principles in computer programming but also any code that is written with concern and consideration made to reduce trace of bugs in written code script lines, inefficient usage of GUI, GPU and CPU processes as well power consumption's. Thus ,a smart coding should allows already written code scripted lines to be maintained either in the future or present.

Computer programming is still the number one on demands skill for engineers , scientist and IT professionals and although it has been argued that the emergence of artificial intelligence and machine learning would eventually alter this trend by enabling automation in code writing by AI , it is still vital and a relevant skill And With the growing number of interconnected devices relying on software applications enabled by the internet of things, it is upon us developers to consider smart coding as a guide in maximising resources for computer programming in a sustainable manner


Author : Emmanuel Victor Quarm - CEO- TEK Business Group

December 2020

The state of agile software development is at its all time high peak level as a result of industry four coupled with emerging technologies and although significant adjustments have been made on the processes, methods and techniques on how we conduct and manage software developments projects for flexible, cost effective, reduce time and efficiency however, there are still flaws within some of the very best agile software development approaches for large scale projects deployments and engineers are faced with scaling up challenges for some of the very best leading agile enterprise methods .

This problem is mainly due to the nature and focus as well as the main objectives for any software development project . The customer experience and market dynamics is always considered within this framework but never considered at the very beginning of any project as a prerequisite strategic plan and when its it considered, there is not much attention given to initial market data analytics.

On the contrary, Customer experience and market dynamics under any software development project should be considered at the very beginning of any software development project especially at the enterprise level,in doing so we eliminate many mistakes during the entire project life-cycle management phase. Hence , time , money and major resources are controlled in a much efficient manner.This approach is known as the "Q- approach ", a methodology which considers consumer or the end users design input at the very first stage of any software development project management routine.

It is important to understand the conventional methods and paradigm within agile software developments at the enterprise level in order to appreciate the " Q- approach and it is equally important to understand

the work frame philosophy within each methods in order to appreciate Q- approach as a legitimate route required within the enterprise agile software development framework approaches.

For this purpose , we consider the scrum software development methods as the most popular agile software development method for scaling up large scale enterprise project management objectives. Under this methodology, we can identify three leading approaches of much significance with regards to large scale software development according to a recent white paper by select computing incorporated Ltd . This include

i.The scaled agile framework - SAFe by Dean Leffinwell

ii. The disciplined agile farame work - DAD by Scott Ambler

iii. Large scale scrum framework - LeSS by Craig Larman and Bas Vodde

while, the main objectives of the above mentioned approaches have similar aims and goals ,their focus on accomplishing any deliverable is centred on different strategies . The scaled agile framework - SAFe ismuch more centred on the team ,programme and portfolio, whilst the disciplined agile framework - DAD is a centred on much more interactive learning platform ensuring that knowledge and people are the benchmark for success in any agile project life-cycle management. The Large scale scrum framework - LeSS, prioritises work on any agile software development based on the size and resources available.It has come to my attention upon full analytical review of most of the methodologies and routines in project management for scaling large enterprise that most agile software development projects lack the market dynamics feedback from consumers. This is even so for the approaches that put much emphasis on learning through the entire project life-cycle development phase, this comes as a result of routine re-adjustment and re-modification of the traditional methods within the enterprise agile framework where the focus is on team, resources and the infrastructure available. It is however vital, for software design architectural engineers and project managers to consider the market dynamics for scaling within a large agile enterprise framework.

At Teksolutions-Inc.Ltd , we have adopted the Q-approach methods as our main approach for large scale enterprise agile software development work. Through a series of market research activities , we identify the core design elements which can alter consumer demand trends for software development with regards to design framework. A full report on the Q-approach is scheduled to be published later this year, the content of the white paper entails full scope of work and the step by step descriptions , methods and activities required as well as the resources needed. The day to day work routine project management for the entire Enterprise agile software development for the Q-approach is based on thorough research work over the past years on ascertaining and solving challenges within the large scale enterprise software development industry .

Evolution Of CAE Tools; The Past, Present and the future

Author : Emmanuel Victor Quarm - CEO- TEK Business Group

September 2020

We are presently in the fourth industrial revolutions and this era is predicted to be much more "innovatech" than previous industrial revolutions that mankind has already witnessed. The is a fact and can be acknowledged by the many state of the art innovations and technologies (innovatech) that made it possible through the transitioning period but most importantly, are the emerging technologies that would enhance mankind's new way of living for a better future as a result of the internet of things.

And as technology advances , we face the facts that can no longer be ignored , thus , we engineers can no longer do away with computer aided engineering software packages for systems design, analysis and assessment and even for domestic task . The mobile phone application market is a typical example of how significant it is to maximise the usability of CAE tools. We have seen a huge increase of mobile apps on the market from both android and IOS platforms which in some aspect are considered as productivity apps for enhancing images,drawings and objects for the purpose of design task by users. However, this trend has seen a tremendous change and CAE developers now are pushing the boundaries on the mobile platform sphere. Personally, i feel the real challenge is to do with the kind and the type of task that could be done on the mobile platform due to GPU and CPU capacity for complex simulations and modelling tasks hence , its gets to a point where its limitations can not be pushed feather at a certain level on the forefront but it is a vital requirement that can not be ignored for the future and today's engineers with the " on the go" mindset."

It is amazing how far we have come from using , developing and making simulation packages much efficient . I remember almost seventeen years ago at the University laboratory where i had the task of designing and building a product (supper sonic nozzle) , back then, there were just a few CAE (CFD )software applications on the market and most could not fully be used to solve and perform all the problems that transpired during the project life cycle phase. My initial design from my calculations meant i could not use only MATLAB to perform all the tasks that was required in order to get a perfect computer model from the simulation as a result of the high powered gas flow proper gating from the cutting kerf. This resulted in using mat-CAD/Auto-CAD to generate the geometry at a preferred elevation which enabled me to also calculate and determine the pressure ratios between the two types of nozzle being used - Conical and Laval nozzles. The whole set-up was later generated using Auto-CAD for the purpose of documentation whilst relying on MS excel to present data and making sense finally, of all the data generated data from using both MAT-CAD and MATLAB.

Users of CAE application tools nowadays do not go through such an ordeal in order to achieve such excellence and this is mainly due to systematic software modifications and improvement for the past 20 years now. The future of CAE is gearing towards a much more use-friendly , flexible and interactive software user-interface where emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence and augmented reality are now playing a major role on some of new upgraded PLM platforms. This will eventually enable the ease on solving any problem within the area of specification and subject matter of speciality; be it Fluid dynamics, acoustics, thermal, photonics, manufacturing, electromagnetic, NVH etc.

However, the real excitement and challenges lies within the impact and application of CAE and PLM software platforms on emerging technologies enabled by the internet of things for connected devices and sensors as a catalyst for industry five.

MY Top Five Best Digital Prototyping Tools

Author : Emmanuel Victor Quarm - CEO- TEK Business Group

June 2020

My top five list of the best digital prototyping tools for user experience design and user interface design currently on the market. This include some of the sought after, state of the art, user experience and user interface tools. Please note that no preferences are given in accordance to numbering, listing or the arrangement order on this page.

  • In-vision : I classify this as one of the best prototyping tool on the market for UX and UI design project because of many factors however what fascinates me most is its visual effect on the user interface once you log on. The front panel is packed with a lot of options from the menu to the dashboard. You can complete most task without any intensive tutorial as a result of the user friendly UI. I personally recommend this to any professional UX&UI designer starting any major project.

  • Axure : The very best - One unique feature that separate Axure from the many UX or UI prototyping tools is its compatibility properties. Its enables easy access of files and gives the option to import and export files from other sources with ease. With its great visual effect studios, from the dash board right through to the tool bar , from the menu bar . Users can work their way through design work saved and imported from other source format and improve the quality of work through various design options provided.

  • UX Pin : This tool was one of my first digital prototyping tools for UX and UI design ever used , i remember using the free trial version for a while before i got on the full version but just for a short period. Its a smart , flexible and a great value for money application. You cant stop using it once you are engulfed in its dynamic but yet simplified task bar design for the UI. It is easy to navigate your way through on a any task and also gives the option for import and export. All in all ,i would say you get a great product with a great technical support, ready to help you and see you through your projects.

  • Adobe XD : An exceptional digital prototyping tool if you are familiar with the adobe brand , however they do have additional tools within the adobe suite with the same job function but XD takes it a bit further as far as UX/UI design is concerned. The advantage of having a suite of software packages for visual effect design and analysis is that you get the flexibility it offers in switching between tools as a functionality. This brings many benefits to the users and encourages collaborative work between users just like all the above mentioned tools. However, users here have a much wider option than the above mentioned tools.

  • Webflow : is a digital prototyping UX/UI designer tools specifically for website design and development projects. It comes with a stunning flexible UI which makes it easier for users to work around web application development. One great feature with this tools is the possibility to render and convert your whole design without coding. This means you can easily convert any design drafted into lines of codes without the need to be an expert on computer programming

The Dawn of a New Era: Exploring the Potential of Quantum Computing

Author : Adminisstered by Emmanuel Victor Quarm - CEO- TEK Business Group , Gemini Ai writer source

March 2020

Quantum computing represents a revolutionary shift in the realm of technology, leveraging the principles of quantum mechanics to process information in ways classical computers cannot. Unlike traditional computers that use bits as the smallest unit of data, quantum computers utilize qubits, which can exist in multiple states simultaneously, thanks to the phenomenon known as superposition. This capability allows quantum computers to perform complex calculations at unprecedented speeds. Moreover, entanglement—a core principle of quantum mechanics—enables qubits that are entangled to influence each other instantaneously, regardless of the distance separating them. As researchers continue to develop quantum algorithms, the potential applications range from solving intricate problems in cryptography and optimization to simulating molecular structures in drug discovery. Although still in its infancy, the field of quantum computing promises to unlock new frontiers in computational power, fundamentally transforming industries and scientific research in the coming years.Quantum computing is poised to revolutionize the world as we know it. By harnessing the unique properties of quantum mechanics, these groundbreaking machines promise to tackle problems that are currently beyond the reach of even the most powerful supercomputers.

The Fundamentals of Quantum Computing

At the heart of quantum computing lies the qubit, the quantum equivalent of the classical bit. Unlike classical bits, which can only represent 0 or 1, qubits can exist in a superposition of both states simultaneously. This phenomenon, known as superposition, allows quantum computers to explore multiple possibilities concurrently.Another key concept is entanglement, where two or more qubits become linked, regardless of the distance between them. Changes to one qubit instantly affect the others, enabling quantum computers to perform complex calculations with unprecedented speed.

The Potential Applications

The potential applications of quantum computing are vast and far-reaching:Drug Discovery: Quantum computers can simulate molecular interactions with unprecedented accuracy, accelerating the development of new medicines and treatments for diseases. Materials Science: By modeling the behavior of materials at the atomic level, quantum computers can help design new materials with superior properties, such as increased strength, conductivity, and efficiency.Financial Modeling: Quantum computers can analyze vast datasets and identify complex patterns, leading to more accurate risk assessments and improved investment strategies.Artificial Intelligence: Quantum machine learning algorithms have the potential to revolutionize AI, enabling the development of more sophisticated and intelligent systems. Climate Change: Quantum computers can simulate complex climate models, providing valuable insights into climate change and helping to develop more effective mitigation strategies.

The Challenges Ahead

Despite the immense potential, significant challenges remain:Building Stable Qubits: Maintaining the delicate quantum states of qubits is extremely difficult, as they are highly susceptible to interference from their environment.Developing Quantum Algorithms: Creating efficient quantum algorithms for specific problems is a complex and ongoing research area.Scalability: Building large-scale, fault-tolerant quantum computers is a major engineering challenge.

The Future of Quantum Computing

Despite these challenges, the future of quantum computing is bright. As research progresses and technological advancements are made, we can expect to see increasingly powerful and versatile quantum computers that will transform various industries and revolutionize our understanding of the world around us.

In Conclusion

Quantum computing represents a paradigm shift in computing, offering unprecedented potential to solve some of the most pressing challenges facing humanity. While significant hurdles remain, the continued progress in this field promises a future where quantum computers will play a crucial role in advancing science, technology, and society as a whole