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Food for thought - Updated every quater of the year

Try Being a Rainbow in Someone’s Cloud

Author : Administered by Emmanuel Victor Quarm - CEO- TEK Business Group , Chat GTP Source

Decemeber 2024

The phrase “Try being a rainbow in someone’s cloud” is a powerful metaphor, inviting us to embrace kindness, compassion, and positivity in a world that often feels weighed down by adversity. It encourages us to be a source of light and hope for others, particularly during their difficult times. The expression is commonly attributed to Maya Angelou, a renowned poet, author, and civil rights activist, who dedicated much of her life to spreading messages of love, resilience, and empowerment. In her words, the rainbow becomes a symbol of beauty, joy, and transformation—qualities that can uplift and comfort those who are struggling. In life, everyone faces challenges, whether it’s personal hardship, emotional struggles, or external pressures. Clouds are often used as a metaphor for these burdens—the heaviness, uncertainty, and sorrow that obscure our ability to see the sun. Yet, just as a rainbow appears after a storm, we have the power to bring moments of brightness and color into the lives of others, even when they seem overshadowed by darkness. By offering kindness, empathy, or simply being present, we can help someone navigate through their own emotional clouds, offering them a glimpse of hope and warmth.

Being a rainbow in someone’s cloud doesn’t require grand gestures or extraordinary acts. Sometimes, it’s the simple, small things that make the most impact. A kind word, a listening ear, or a thoughtful act of generosity can be the spark that lifts someone’s spirit. The metaphor also reminds us that being a source of light for others is not about solving their problems, but about showing them that they are not alone in their struggles. It’s about creating moments of connection, where people can find solace in knowing that even in their darkest times, there is still beauty and hope to be found. Moreover, trying to be a rainbow in someone’s cloud doesn’t only benefit the person we are helping; it enriches our own lives as well. In lifting others up, we often find our own sense of purpose and fulfillment. The act of offering support fosters a sense of community and reinforces our shared humanity. It reminds us that, while we cannot always control the storms in our lives, we do have the power to bring light into the lives of others.

Ultimately, the idea of being a rainbow in someone’s cloud is a call to action—a reminder that we all have the capacity to bring joy, comfort, and kindness into the world. In a world that can sometimes feel harsh and overwhelming, being a source of positivity and love can make a significant difference. So, the next time you encounter someone who is struggling, remember that you don’t need to have all the answers or solutions. Just being a rainbow—offering light, love, and hope—can be enough to brighten their day and transform their world.


Author : Emmanuel Victor Quarm - CEO- TEK Business Group

September 2024

The phrase “Try being a rainbow in someone’s cloud” is a powerful metaphor, inviting us to embrace kindness, compassion, and positivity in a world that often feels weighed down by adversity. It encourages us to be a source of light and hope for others, particularly during their difficult times. The expression is commonly attributed to Maya Angelou, a renowned poet, author, and civil rights activist, who dedicated much of her life to spreading messages of love, resilience, and empowerment. In her words, the rainbow becomes a symbol of beauty, joy, and transformation—qualities that can uplift and comfort those who are struggling. In life, everyone faces challenges, whether it’s personal hardship, emotional struggles, or external pressures. Clouds are often used as a metaphor for these burdens—the heaviness, uncertainty, and sorrow that obscure our ability to see the sun. Yet, just as a rainbow appears after a storm, we have the power to bring moments of brightness and color into the lives of others, even when they seem overshadowed by darkness. By offering kindness, empathy, or simply being present, we can help someone navigate through their own emotional clouds, offering them a glimpse of hope and warmth.

Being a rainbow in someone’s cloud doesn’t require grand gestures or extraordinary acts. Sometimes, it’s the simple, small things that make the most impact. A kind word, a listening ear, or a thoughtful act of generosity can be the spark that lifts someone’s spirit. The metaphor also reminds us that being a source of light for others is not about solving their problems, but about showing them that they are not alone in their struggles. It’s about creating moments of connection, where people can find solace in knowing that even in their darkest times, there is still beauty and hope to be found. Moreover, trying to be a rainbow in someone’s cloud doesn’t only benefit the person we are helping; it enriches our own lives as well. In lifting others up, we often find our own sense of purpose and fulfillment. The act of offering support fosters a sense of community and reinforces our shared humanity. It reminds us that, while we cannot always control the storms in our lives, we do have the power to bring light into the lives of others.

Ultimately, the idea of being a rainbow in someone’s cloud is a call to action—a reminder that we all have the capacity to bring joy, comfort, and kindness into the world. In a world that can sometimes feel harsh and overwhelming, being a source of positivity and love can make a significant difference. So, the next time you encounter someone who is struggling, remember that you don’t need to have all the answers or solutions. Just being a rainbow—offering light, love, and hope—can be enough to brighten their day and transform their world.

Had i known is always at last

Author : Emmanuel Victor Quarm - CEO- TEK Business Group

June 2024

From time immemorial, mankind have exhibited survival skills on different levels with the aim of venturing into something new that often provides a better way of life and comfort .Off course, it is part of the human trait to be adventurous by trying new things now and then. Trying new things in this contest exploring is what the subject matter is highlighting. This trait is rare nowadays due to so many factors ,however considering the fast pace in which the world is evolving , it becomes apparent why this shift in trend for mankind. This leaves most of us with less exposure, not had the glimpse of capturing and experiencing natural occurrences.

We are in the era where information is easy accessible and due to this, many are reluctant to take a leap onfirst hand experience and learning . This golden era is an opportunity for us to explore higher dimensions of the universe and our surroundings using the abundance of information as guide to explore and discover something new as individuals.

It is no more a survival instinct to try something new nowadays which is a luxury our forefathers never had however, they created a path to living where adventure was the ultimate price and as such we owe it to ourselves to follow that trend of pushing the boundaries further by being trying new things now and then.

Does Curiosity always kills the cat ?

Author : Emmanuel Victor Quarm - CEO- TEK Business Group

March 2024

There is this popular saying ‘curiosity kill the cat ‘However, does this statement prove meaningful at this present day and times?

First of all , it is important to establish the difference in words between curiosity and inquisitive because these words tends to me misinterpreted or used in the wrong context . So for the sake of clarity, I have taken the burden upon my self to search for the definition of both words by making reference to the dictionary. Curiosity is defined by the dictionary as a state in which you want to learn more about something or something unusual worth - perhaps worth collecting. Whilst inquisitive imply as showing curiosity or inquiring or appearing to inquire. Hence the two words can be compared and used in different context within a sentence which often prove not to be the same.

I believe being curios is part of our human nature and it is normal to be inquisitive but to what extent would it be classified as absurd or extreme?

We could not have survived this long on planet earth if it was not for human behavioural ways, one of which is our curiousness which has led us to many scientific discoveries and breakthroughs. However, there is seemed to be the negative misconception about being curios due to the extreme nature in which shown thus, being inquisitive. As much as we would debate on this issue, the media plays a very important role in serving the public with information however, it is also prevalent that some organisations go the extreme lengths to collect information. Be it legal or illegal. Where the information attained may be correct or incorrect but meaningless to the subject matter. Here, the authenticity of the information is irrelevant but rather if the information was attained by meeting professional standards.

This scenario can be applied to individuals as a whole where anxiety takes the best part of us to do the unnecessary act of being inquisitive sometimes at the extreme lengths.

We live in an advanced technological world where information is the king so it comes as no surprise that the internet, since it discovery has turned into a gold mine. We have people who have mastered in the art of false access to unauthorised data and information on any computing device and electronic gadgets. Nowadays hackers go to the extreme lengths to intrude into people’s privacy to attain confidential information and on the contrary, this same method is allowed by law enforcement agencies to retrieve information on fraudulent activities.

Hence it is fair to conclude that the saying; ‘Curiosity kill the cat’ can only be interpreted for any act within the context of the phrase which is deemed unacceptable, thus illegal, unauthorised, extreme or unnecessary .

I believe is our God giving rights to be curios and to be able to discover new ways of improving our living conditions on planet earth if ethical conditions are always considered.


Author : Emmanuel Victor Quarm - CEO- TEK Business Group

December 2023

Becoming an entrepreneur is a huge task which if not carefully considered for what is worth could lead to some catastrophic result. It is a rough and narrow path to take and even if you manage to have all the resources at your disposal to scale and grow, you can unexpectedly have all the resources running down the drain if no-good risk mitigation plan is observed. Everyone can be an entrepreneur but there are few entrepreneurs out there who have the exposure and experience of being through thick and thin situation. One attribute that a good entrepreneur exhibits is self-confidence and intuition. Believing in yourself and your capabilities is an asset and can be a game changer when the tides are against you. This behavioural trait comes out in the face problems.

Resilient is the key to overcoming and riding over steep path when operating a business but having a resilient mind set is a character that is built within each individual. The scale factor depends on many reasons however, this is what determines any decisions made and the direction of your business. I once mentioned in a one of the notes on this page about the risk factor which is essential and crucial trait for an entrepreneur. Entrepreneurs are risk takers and being resilient sometimes calls for taking huge risk that might seem extraordinary to the ordinary person. The reason many businesses fail in the UK during the initial stage of operation is due to not having a resilient mindset. Venturing into an enterprise is a big challenge that cannot be accomplished without resilience. This becomes necessary in the face of chaos and atrocities where you are faced with challenges and tests which require self confidence on your business model and your capabilities to make it work. People might call such stories crazy but to the real entrepreneur, stories about people going through the extreme life challenges just to achieve their ambitions are inspiring. And we all need such inspiring stories as a guideline on our journey to success and believe that no matter what is thrown in your way, you will persevere and endure through the hardship to making your business a success story.

Remember, Rome was not built in a day so whatever challenges that comes in your way regarding your business goals, keep pushing. Many successful entrepreneurs accomplished success beyond their wildest dreams. So aim high at the sky, if you miss, you will be amongst the stars.


Author : Emmanuel Victor Quarm - CEO- TEK Business Group

September 2023

The brain is one of the powerfullest and most vital organs to be found on the human body so it important to protect it, nourish it and feed it when necessary. The human brain is a one unique organ that can tell a lot about the humanbehaviour and character and sometimes this behaviour can be psychological predicted based on brain impulses which determines most of the decisions we make and determines character.

However, no matter what character you exhibit, the need for mental health is essential and can not be taken for granted. In the face of adverse pressure and chaos, we handle these stress in a different manner, but its effect can either be minimal of maximal depending on the state of mind however, it is essential to avoid any situation which causes such effect, if possible. Your mental health is of vital importance and the side effect of ignoring signs of danger could lead to a catastrophic situation. Cases and of suicide, homicides stories and other self-inflicting injuries comes because people find themselves of not being able to refrain or handle adverse stress situations and pressure.

We hear from the news of sport athletes, entertainers, and other public figures retreating from an organised event due to many reasons however, it is mostly as a result of mental health that causes such situation. People of such calibre have all the resources to be directed in the right way but and still, not all are able to handle such situation.

As individuals, the best way to avoid any situation that poses threat to your mental health is avoidance. Finding an environment of place with people of likeminded or loved ones who can show support and encouragement. Peacefulness is achieved at the level of finding serenity for your mental health whatever the situation might be.

Taking precautions is the best way to protect your mind set from being diluted or polluted by your state of mind.


Author : Emmanuel Victor Quarm - CEO- TEK Business Group

June 2023

Any series of misfortunate event can still not be classified as intended or premeditated unless it is beyond reasonable doubt so for any misfortune uncounted, it makes sense to consider the probable causes- what are the odds that this will happen again?, or it won’t happen again? This is how to start planning a strategy to mitigate any risks.

Most of us have been in situations where we have either been compensated for error caused by service provider, damages paid for customer services misconduct or even claiming for both as a customer.

There are several bodies set up by the government such as the Financial Ombudsman’s service , housing ombudsman service etc. to ensure the consumer is always served right but still cases of misappropriate treatment keeps skyrocketing. Why should this be the case and why the proper authorities are not called to take actions on ethics and professional misconduct behaviour in any industry this situation might be applicable. The high level on consumer complaints points to only one cause thus, someone is not doing his/her job right.

The financial institutions and other service providers must be vigilant and hold their employees accountable for errors that are swept under the rug only to occur again, if not with the same employees, a colleague of his/her. This keeps happening because they have devised a system to protect these employees whom for some reason might break the code of conduct. Clerical errors keep occurring because they not questioned for their unprofessional act of conduct because they are protected and hidden under the umbrella of these big organisation and many a times, the consumer turns to be the victim of their negligence’s.

And the reason for the high rate of consumer complaint being handled by complaint bodies is because mistakes cost money and admitting this will cost additional money, so they try to defend an obvious error rather than giving reward.

What are the protocols, policies and work ethics to be followed to protect consumer rights and help the consumer for once, to aid a hearing of his/her voice/misdealt issues? The number of cases pending to be heard as a result of such disputes is outrageous and it shows the level and how matters have gone bad to worse, but this high figure of dispute cases would have been reduced if any service provider for a consumer was vigilant and has some strict rules incompetent employees who do not follow the professional act of conduct and values instilled within the business for progress for customer relations.


Author : Emmanuel Victor Quarm - CEO- TEK Business Group

March 2023

We live in a world where everything moves at a pace faster than we would have anticipated thirty years ago. Welcome to the advanced civilised world and yet we have not yet even scratched or explored the best possibilities yet. So why is that ,

Information has never been so much in abundance for mankind, having said that , it is still not well utilised and so we find ourselves wasting information. If you take a look at ancient civilisation, you will notice a common trend that makes nations prosperous and that has always been driven by freedom and respect for human rights. These are fundamental human necessities that drives economies to prosper however, few individuals were given such privileges back then which created an unequal society leading to deprivation and immorality.

We find ourselves in a society where information can be accessed no matter where you are or what you do and that is why this progress comes at a fast pace. However, we find ourselves not utilising information very well, thus the efficiency rate or ratio of having information and using information is still negligible compared to the world’s population. Reasoning becomes the ultimate challenge and without being able to reason, none of the information we have is useful.

We are in the age of reasoning where successful nations will emerge through reasoning and the structure of society will only be determined by logic and reasoning.

A civilised society is one that acts out of reasoning for the sake of the community by implementing laws and regulations that are safe and pragmatic however, without these laws being properly assimilated, there won’t be a proper system in place because individuals need to understand and respect them. If not, we bound to waste the information provided. The difference in knowing something and applying it in everyday life becomes the reason and the logic is putting it in action for a greater purpose. An ideal environment where this could be achieved is through educational and training establishment where faculties are tasked on imparting logical reasoning and encourage the younger generation to seek and utilise information well beyond their area of study.

It is imperative that decision makers of this generation use the knowledge and abundance of information on reaching verdicts rather than relying on external influence. By so doing, we encourage reasoning and logic and discourage corruption in any form.

A typical example relates to diversity and inclusion; thus, society cannot be diversified if individuals in all works of lives cannot afford the reasoning behind this. What sets this age apart from the period of social injustice such as apartheid, the American civil right movement and the slave trade is the abundance of information and exposure but if not utilised to it full use, then we might as well be going backwards to those ages of chaos.


Author : Emmanuel Victor Quarm - CEO- TEK Business Group

December 2022

The current pandemic crises have taught us a lot of lessons with majority of small businesses having suffered a great deal of loss and the economic impact felt by many but it also clear that some business made a gain however, a common trend that many businesses are adopting is flexible working routines as a result of the pandemic situation.

Although the resources and infrastructure already existed for many businesses, decision makers were adamant on the flexible working idea mainly due to the fact that it could probably compromise the traditional working routine which could possibly have an effect on City high streets and businesses providing these services.

I see the future of working to be flexible and remote working and this is because the internet of things has enabled so many factors which makes this idea tangible and an economic one. During the mid-stages of the pandemic, many businesses made a strategic decision to allow employees work from home, providing them with all the resources required to make this possible. According to sources uncovered on Linkedin, this exercise has proven to be a success and although many companies took it on as trial basis, many businesses are now considering the possibility of making this permanent whiles others are considering the hybrid working routines.

Now is the time to consider the ethical side of things regarding this norm and restructure it to be effective without having any breaches to regulations and policies already in place. This is important for so many reasons but the essential point is to restore confidence with businesses operating this way. By so doing , we assure the public that information is not mishandled and workers are either trained or retrained to follow any code of conduct applicable. Businesses having large customer base would have to consider the professional conduct act implication and consequences.

The traditional way of working will eventually diminish as time passes with just a few businesses having a specific business model which could thrive on to the traditional office working routines. The economic benefits of flexible working under many factors outweighs the traditional working routines and I think it is about time that it is restructured and reviewed to meet future working routine challenges.


Author : Emmanuel Victor Quarm - CEO- TEK Business Group

September 2022

Have you ever been in a situation where you felt your situation or condition is like a movie or better yet, is nearly similar to a role played by an actor in a movie? This situation happens to a lot of people however, there is a convincing fact that can never be ignored. Thus, no matter the perception to any real situation, it will still be a movie and for that matter, a fiction because in the movies, any role played is exaggerated and this cannot be compared to real life situation. Most of the time ,the character depicted in any plot shows the lifestyle of an imaginary figure.

Movies are for entertainment purposes, even when it is related to a true-life story. There is always a slight twist on the real story and incident that occurred for the purposes of entertainment. So why do people sometimes find themselves trying to emulate situations relating to movies or better yet, why could someone’s situation be compared to a movie role. We live in a world where majority of us are so infatuated with fiction to the sense that they are unable to distinguish between what is real and what is fiction.

I read a couple of years ago on the internet while browsing through strings of conversation from forums on a live feed website that majority of mankind are much comfortable living in a fictional world rather a real-world situation- this was actually a research finding derived through a series of interviews and surveys. We have all observed the extreme situations where people act violently or emulate a character in order to justify a cause or even for fun, but it is much bigger than this and it is even serious and dangerous when individuals in responsible positions and places in society are secretly obsessed with a theme or concept that is far from real. This can also be related to lyrics taken out of context from a song.

I hope I am not deviating from the subject matter when I stress on the fact that being a fan or looking up to a figure as a role model, need it be political, entertainment, sport, or enterprise wise is not wrong. However, it is very important to note that as human as we are, we do all have our weaknesses, therefore it will be unjustifiable to consider any person as a perfect figure.

In the nut shell, I have to say this ; You are bound to face so many difficulty if your persona is being compared to a movie and this is because the problems that comes along are not real life problems but rather fiction caused by obsessed individuals who want to experience that fiction in real life situation forgetting about the consequences .


Author : Emmanuel Victor Quarm - CEO- TEK Business Group

June 2022

To commemorate on Teksolutions-Inc.Ltd’s one year anniversary since I began creating content for the post Log – PLOG on the website, I decided to touch on a very specific topic. This topic came upon me after reading a post shared by one of my network members on LinkedIn early this week. I found the post interesting but also intrigued to see the illustrated figures within the post and how they have been interpreted and though it’s seems a bit exaggerated, it made sense by correctly stating why we become entrepreneurs.

Any successful business individual has a different answer to why getting into any business venture however, our human behavioural trait and characteristics to work ethic plays an important role on any career decisions taken. You can tell the mind set of any entrepreneur from a very early age in life by so many different ways however, its is clear that one common attribute is exhibited by many entrepreneurs, thus, the faculty for critical thinking. Critical thinking is rare character that differentiate the few from the bunch. It is an attribute that brings out creativity, work ethic, ambition, and devotion from any individual in that state of mind.

From my personal experience, I will not say that people become entrepreneurs because they get bored out of their jobs, striving for freedom, can’t have a boss, too creative or too ambitious as the post on LinkedIn illustrates but it more to do with an inner call to accomplish a goal. Situation may vary accordingly but making a decision to become an entrepreneur has its stakes higher than that illustrated.

The ability to own any property can be compared to the mindset of an entrepreneur, the only difference is that the entrepreneur owns a business with the prospects of making profits. There is a huge responsibility that comes with maintaining those prospects and the challenges can be daunting. Ownership is the driver to motivation from an entrepreneurial point of view and the real entrepreneurs show their business traits when they are faced with challenges.

Many entrepreneurs started from somewhere either by working for someone or have already tried a failed business. Perseverance determines a critical minded individual from the bunch as a result of creativity, work ethics, ambition and devotion. Most famous entrepreneurs known started businesses and failed over and over before being successful however, there is a commitment and a drive to succeed in owning something successful. This motivation is the entrepreneurial spirit and this is why people become entrepreneurs.


Author : Emmanuel Victor Quarm - CEO- TEK Business Group

March 2022

The topic on diversity has been of much concern lately from corporate organisation to Governmental organisation. We now have policies in place that is improving the current situation on handling matters within this domain. No matter how complex and sensitive the situation might be, encouragement or promoting this standard of living in society is a good thing but are we willing to make the changes that will eventually bring an impact. Any changes made will have to challenge the status quo and many are not ready for this change due to societal lackadaisical approach of dealing with social changes. This has been witnessed over the years since the first industrial revolution, but people of this modern age find ourselves privileged to be surrounded by many technological advancements which breaks the barrier of isolation and should make the ideology much easier to accomplish.

So why is this still a problem. To address this question, we need to solve the issue of inclusion because they are both issues that points in the same direction. Be it gender, race, age, language or disability. Acknowledging these factors in a positive manner to address the issues could be the only way forward. Each person on the planet is a singular entity with his /her own unique attributes that can never be compromised or compared to another person, but our differences should not trigger antisocial behaviour but rather a sense of belonging and unity. Our collective efforts is what makes the impossible, possible. Recognising the fact that age, gender, race language or disability should not be barriers is the first step on dealing with this situation. Acknowledging the potential within everyone’s ability to bring changes to make a positive impact is the next step.

Society can no longer afford to be adamant dragging diversification because we are at the fore front of the information technology era where everyone’s attributes could be amplified by our surroundings using tools and gadgets around us. Disability is no longer a limitation, in some cases, on progress or one’s capability, while race should not play a role in any collective effort of achieving a goal but rather competence, the same analogy applies to gender, age and languages. Nowadays, we have social platforms breaking the barrier amongst culture but there is still a lot to do on solving issue of diversity to make an impact on inclusion. Only by accepting society and our surroundings can progress be made and only by acknowledging our differences as a strength and not weakness, can this goal be accomplished.

We can only succeed in getting the best of from people if they are accepted regardless of their backgrounds, race, gender, age, language. And are recognised by the potential and attributes to contributing to society.


Author : Emmanuel Victor Quarm - CEO- TEK Business Group

December 2021

Metaphorically speaking, the topic of this post makes a lot of sense with regards to work ethics, however, its interpretation and understanding by an individual will depends on their perception of life. The key words that come to mind when I think about this includes vocabularies like, productivity, sustainability, flexibility, and efficiency. The current pandemic has given the world a great exposure on the impact of health crisis and its effect, socially as well as economically.

Out of this all, civilisation was not conquered but rather, we fought back by finding new ways of doing things by deriving new business models and different approach of doing things. Of course, other areas of business activities have been affected due to the closure, especially hospitality and tourism but this could have been worse without technology which enabled some partial form of business activities to be conducted in these sectors. More creative and innovative ways of being productive at work has been implemented enabling flexible and smart ways of work possible. The impact of this was seen during the early phase of the lockdown where many high streets were left vacant. what all of us witnessed was amazing; with the diminishing effect of CO2 gasses, cities saw again blue skies and animals started visiting the rare areas and vicinities. I can not dispute the fact that the aftermath of the pandemic will see most of the high street businesses back in business, which is in no doubt good for business, but we cannot also discard the experiences this pandemic has taught us.

I touched on lessons learned from the pandemic in my previous post - September 2020 where the emphasis was on the impact and the aftermath. The lessons learnt has been a key contributing factor on controlling the COVID-19 virus not to mention the rules that were observed. We can not ignore the fact that technology played an advantage role in making this pandemic controllable, but this would not have been possible without our collective effort to fight back especially from the national health services like the researchers, doctors and Nurses who sacrificed their time by burning the midnight oil to make this possible.

Hence the figure of speech which expresses this subject matter can sometimes be interpreted to reflect not only a good condition but also in challenging conditions of an environment where we defy the odds by making hay of capitalising on the challenges that could be met.


Author : Emmanuel Victor Quarm - CEO- TEK Business Group

September 2021

Making use of a skill or knowledge acquired along the way can be a game changer in everyone’s professional career but certain skill and exposure are disregarded by many by not putting it to proper use and for that matter, not realising its full potential. Every individual has his or her own interest and hobbies and while these might just be for leisure, it provides us another way of learning and following a rule of conduct which can be a lesson for disciplined minds.

Playing board games is a typical example of this scenario where you can benefit, and transfer knowledge gained into real life experience. A regular chess player picks up the fundamental logic subconsciously, that is composed within the game and somehow, this will be applied in his/her day-to-day professional activities when the need be. The ability to recognise a gained discipline from a game can be the difference in realising its full potential. In the sense that, your state of mind gets elevated by building a confidence approach on handling situations that might require your hidden talent.

Ambition can be driven by people’s passion gained from games and so it is no surprise to see a good chess player making all the right decisions or a good monopoly game player being successful in the real estate business or a poker game player being good at negotiations.

There are millions of games out there on the market nowadays, not to mention computer and mobile application games with the same fundamental principle where knowledge gained can be put to good use if properly executed. Many of the board games can now be played on a computer or on a mobile phone where the fundamental principles and rules are still intact. There are also many new developed interesting games now in existence which are even more challenging and task oriented.

Every game has a purpose guided by rules to win and I am intrigued by the design and development process that goes into building and selling a successful game. Transforming an idea into a work of art where vital skills can be gained and transferred is brilliant and innovative.

Imagine the impact this can have on entrepreneurship , when put to good use the knowledge gained from games which are applicable to communication/vocabulary, negotiating, purchasing, strategic thinking, design thinking, numerical thinking, leadership, visual effect and planning on a business oriented platform.


Author : Emmanuel Victor Quarm - CEO- TEK Business Group

June 2021

It is a fact that the earth’s natural resource is gradually getting to a diminishing state where we can no longer afford its impact on the state of the global economy. Natural resources which are processed and refined into product and items for our day to day usage and other applications such as industrial manufacturing is to be preserved and maximised in an smart way in order for these natural resources to last longer with ample time left to enable us find alternatives sources of natural or re-manufactured/manufactured resources of the same qualities to replace them.

Fossil fuels as an energy resource has been in existence since ancient times and mankind made use of it in any possible way convenient but it clear now that the present global population and demand for the energy resource can no longer withstand the daily global consumption for this fuel in its refined state. Moreover, its mass usage has now raised concerns on the damage to the environment.

There is no doubt that fossil fuel will still play a major role with regards to the global energy consumption however, I am happy at the direction that many countries across the world are taking on investing into a new way of tapping energy from our natural environment.

I am talking about renewable energy. The wind, the sun, the tides and waves from the sea, rivers, lakes and also man-made dams all being put to good use, thanks to hard working scientist who have devoted their time on thorough research on alternative, efficient and ideal form of energy usage for sustainable living.

There are still some issues and challenges with proper exploration of nature in realisingthe it’s full potential. In this case Africa and other areas of the continent where the sun could be put of good use as an alternative to fossil fuel usage.

Another challenge is enabling machines to perform at maximum efficiency of any kind of renewable energy source to realise hundred percent work done, thus if a wind turbine’s rotor or photo voltaic cell from solar panels can be made to generate 99 percent efficient energy then that renewable source is being put to good use however, this is not the case at the moment and we are having to deal with component and machine in-efficiencies presently.

The challenge is now upon us to maximise usage of what this technology offers us in order to attain a 100 percent efficiency from any renewable energy source.


Author : Emmanuel Victor Quarm - CEO- TEK Business Group

March 2021

Climate change has been a matter of much concern since the last four decades and nations world wide are doing their possible best to combat the effect of climate change . The united nations and other environmental organisations have taken bold initiatives by working with nations worldwide in ways to reduce this catastrophic effect. But as we all know , this is a global problem so there is obviously the need for the world’s population to be aware and contribute equally in achieving the goals of eradicating any disaster. This seems not to be the case apparently due to many factors which mainly limits the resources on initiating any campaign against climate change.

Majority of countries in the developed world have ambitious plans on meeting their goals set on reaching and being a net zero emission state however, I personally think the focus should be broadened in order to solve the problem. In the UK there are several initiatives introduced by the government on reaching a net zero emission state as a result of climate change . Environmental standards and regulations have been introduced in order to establish a firm grip on quantifying the usage of energy resources from data analysed and provided by energy companies from consumers . Manufacturing companies are also following guidelines and standards to ensure minimal harm is caused as a result ofindustrialisation. Majority of the population in the UK are now conscious on the impacts they have on reducing their carbon footprint through their daily way of life.

This initiative cuts across the whole of the western Europe , North America and some part of eastern Europe however, every country has its own approach of dealing with the situation hence , budget for such a campaign varies from state to state. As overwhelmed and impressed as I might be with some of the state of the art technologies put in place to accomplish this challenge , I am still not convinced as a scientist that the overall ambition can be achieved and this is purely based on my scientific theories and laws which happens to also govern the globe .

The rate at which the earth’s climate is depleting requires a collective effort on meeting a net zero emission but this can not be accomplished if the environmental standards set by the world environmental organisation varies amongst nations. I know combating this disaster is challenge in terms of resources and therefore many poor nations are unbale to meet the resources required to solve and eradicate the effects but I believe one major factor that can easily combat this problem is mass education of the population . With little resources in place , an average educated conscious individual should practice to reduce his/her carbon foot print for better of the community and the world as a whole. North America and Europe have great ambitions for electric cars and the total termination of petrol vehicle production within the next thirty years coming. However, third world countries will continue with production of petrol vehicle. This raises many concerns and unless this ambition somehow also becomes an ambition for the rest of the world through a swift education programmes , meeting a net zero emission globally is not yet feasible.


Author : Emmanuel Victor Quarm - CEO- TEK Business Group

December 2020

Many a times, business owners and enterprises find themselves in situations which can lead to either a disastrous condition or a compromised one however, if these set backs are identified at the early stage of any business process or project then proper guidance could be sought after to mitigate them.

Resolving these issues does not necessarily provide any guarantee to business success but what it does is it provides enterprises with the learning opportunities through out their entire development life cycle as entrepreneurs. It is Imperative that any difficulty encountered along the way are maximised to reflect the positive outcome.

This is a challenge for many businesses and as a result they fail to capitalize on the opportunities that could be derived from the exposure and experiences .

My personal experience is a testimony of rough venture which I have endured, and the lessons learnt from this experience.

Every start-up from the get-go and on the launch of business has the potential to determine and identify its strengths and weaknesses but it is important to capitalize on the advantages within your grasp which overwhelmingly overshadows your weakness. By so doing, you do not expose your weakness to your competitors but gradually find your way through by accomplishing any goals that has been set .

A scenario of case study can be a start-up that is finding difficulty in getting initial funds or capital to begin a project. It becomes crucial upon long awaited period of unsuccessful bid for funding to initiate a way of making your business model valuable. By so doing , you add value to your business plan which potentially attract investors.

And although this might also cost fortune , it provides the perfect opportunity to invest into your business idea by adding value to it. Eventually, other avenues of funding can be available when a tangible evidence can be shown of the implications and prospect ahead for your business model with regards to the product and services it offers to the target market.


Author : Emmanuel Victor Quarm - CEO- TEK Business Group

September 2020

Setting up an enterprise is not in any way an easy task, this is why only a few are able to venture into this way of making a living. Many successful entrepreneurs failed in several attempt on building a business before they finally made it. In the UK, This has become one of the Government’s problem and this was addressed in a consultation back in 2017 as part of the industrial strategy review programme. Many businessesespecially , start-ups fail within the first year of establishment but fail to make any impact due to many factors such as lack of funding and many other reasons.

Today’s market is controlled by the internet of things and many start -ups venturing into the enterprise world should be aware of the challenges they will be facing and measures required in mitigating setbacks.

In business development , coming up with a good business model is vital on wining investors to any major project and this can be a game changing moment for any business. Business ideas have evolved during the past forty years and many have capitalized on the change in market trends to establish successful ventures. So investing in a tangible idea is the ultimate goal in accomplishing any business plan. There may be risks and set backs however, it all boils down to how it is managed and executed .

A tangible idea becomes the seed that is sown from the beginning and it is vital that the right steps are taken on gaining a good harvest. It might always not seem gloomy but through determination and hard work, you should be able to reap what you sow


Author : Emmanuel Victor Quarm - CEO- TEK Business Group

June 2020

In all sector of work , either running a business or working as an employee , each one of us is responsible to managing a certain level of workload and the challenges we face on accomplishing this goal determines each individuals strategic approach and focus.

I use the term motivational Monday in the sense that Monday is the beginning of another week to many businesses , employees , workers and so many people look on this day to start another day of work after a short weekend break. Big Organisations and businesses with large scale employees have a robust and structural plan in place under which each employee has a responsibility in presenting and bringing fourth a collective effort for the benefit of the whole organisationhowever, is upon each individual's ability and motivational drive that counts. Research paper published by Gartner identified a slow rate in productivity work on Monday for many business in the UK and also stated that this was mainly caused by many employees in businesses taking a short break from work.

From this analysis. it is clear that Monday is a critical day of the week for businesses and it is imperative that businesses take action to address the lack of productive behaviour within the industry.

Many businesses have realised this effect and have taken crucial steps such as flexible time schedule to work, remote working and making available other facilities that could increase productivity and encourage

workers on changing their attitude towards this challenging day.

As a small business, like many other small businesses in the UK , working around the clock is a normal behavioural trait and it is this attitude and discipline that determines failure and success when running a business but it is also the a typical characteristics of successful entrepreneurs. I believe that big businesses and large scale companies can learn a lot from the entrepreneurial mindset where motivation lies within accomplishing daily routine responsibilities .


Author : Emmanuel Victor Quarm - CEO- TEK Business Group

March 2020

We are almost getting to month six since the pandemic struck the heart of UK and its borders making life unbearable for all of us . This brought about drastic changes which were made by the Government

as well as most of us in order to cope with the situation. The lock-down rules imposed on citizens meant most workers could not go to their usual place of work to participate in daily social activities and professional activities as required. This lead to most companies adapting to other ways of providing services to client and customers by opting for remote working methods where possible.

There is no doubt that the aftermath of the lock-down caused a massive catastrophe on the UK's work force where some could no longer return to their place of work due to lack of productive commercial and enterprise activities to generate enough revenue and therefore businesses had to resort to redundancy. But it is also a fact that most companies are beginning to relish the idea of remote working more than anytime in the history of mankind and this is not just because of the limitations caused by the pandemic which gave businesses less options in terms of social distancing at work but rather businesses have come to realise the true benefits of remote working.

So why did this initiative took such a long time to be recognised as potentially the most economical and efficient form of work based on the fact that the infrastructure, resources and facilities have been in existence for most companies for the past 20 years now. I believe that the main reason companies have taken a cold approach to such initiative is mainly due to hierarchy and management issues with regards to responsibilities. In the corporate world this idea has been in existence for some time now but at the very top level. The job market is changing very fast due to the emergence of internet of things and technological breakthrough giving even lower level personnel and staff members, critical and vital responsibilities

that requires an enormous amount of either professional training or high educational background for them to appreciate the part they play and their contribution in making any enterprise successful.

Many companies who have adapted to this remote form of work after the lock-down from the COVID -19 pandemic have the above mentioned principle and philosophy that transcends from the top level to the bottom and it is instilled in all staff members and even though not every staff might have the opportunity to take this role, those who do recognise their value as individuals and their responsibilities in the collective contribution to the success of the company.

Of-course , there is a downside to this problem especially with lower staff management as a result of mental health issues and so forth however, if it is properly implemented, these setbacks should not be any challenge to the derived benefits.

This is the future of work and it is high time for businesses to recognise this and take the full economical advantage