We are a group of companies sharing a common business principles, values and goals under the umbrella of the TEK trademark. Teksolutions-Inc.Ltd , Tek Computing Ltd and EVQ – TEK industries . Each of these businesses mentioned has a core business objective that meets our common goal. Teksolutions-Inc.Ltd is a typical research and development consulting business in the advanced digital manufacturing industry, the business model from a spin out enterprise where the focus is on long term secured business prospect because of the short term. This is accomplished by identifying and capitalising on the market opportunity gap existing between tech industries and academia research work. We invest into state of the art, cutting edge emerging technologies that can be brought on the market as innovative disruptive product and services. The company can boast of a 6.1 million value worth of intellectual properties classifies as intangible assets. The company group is at the moment on the verge of introducing revolutionary Product lifecycle management platform – PLM for the automotive, aeronautic, nautical, telecommunication, energy ,clinical structural engineering and manufacturing sector . The goal is to provide the PLM platform as a SaaS.
Research and product development has always been vital to manufacturing and for that matter industrialisation however, these have been apart for long until recently when companies realised the need and the business opportunities that research and development institute have on industrialisation .Most big companies such facilities but they lack the expertise and sometimes insufficient funds budgeted for the cause to the point that there is still a reliance on external research institute ideal ways on harnessing big innovative ideas to resolve engineering problems which requires enormous amount of funds . Research institutes also continue with their research backed by Government funding which involves a huge investment to solve problems in the industry. Some of these investment falls on hard rock and does not yield any benefit due to lack of proper market research to test consumer market dynamics and trends. A typical example on how this business models /plan is used as a commercial resource is by considering the amount of stored intellectual properties by research institute that has not been explored or of no market relevance due to the traditional industry rules. This leaves a market gap for ideas that are considered radical and deemed as not eligible to be introduced on the market.
TEK Computing Ltd on the other hand is group's commercial arm thus, all the research and devlopment work that is being carried out by Teksolutions-Inc.Ltd can now be commercialised . The business takes care of product devloment and manufacturing processes where much emphasis is upon the ground work and the blue print architectural work already gathered from its mentioned associates. in the nut shell , its a mutual collective work that brings the business accomplishement that we aim for . This is one of the pillers that forms our core business principle values as mentioned earlier . Due many innovative ideas and initiatives , The business is a cause on establishing itself in the advanced digital manufacturing industry .
EVQ - TEK Industries is also an associate of the TEK group ,forming an alliance on the fore front of commercial industrialisation to enable sustainable business growth in Africa. This is a strategic initiative that allows the group to tap into the African market because of the shear market size and opportunities that lies away in the coming future for Africa. Business opretaions has already begun and we anticipate a fruitful outcome in the coming years .

The current state of tech industry is highly competitive even for the a niche market like our business models, we therefore need to create strategic plan that will channel and present the business case as a unique and stand out business model as a an engineering consulting company , we have therefore developed a strategic methods to work which identifies all the elements that comes into play to enable us accomplish and resolve complex business issues with each project that we embarked upon.
The TEK group customized way for work frames on any scope emphasizes the fundamental challenges that most tech companies are familiar with, this is shown in the illustration. It is imperative to note how vital it is to observe a standard procedure to work which will enable innovation. Identifying a method and technique on resolving problems is the first step to realizing innovation but innovation is not fully realized until it is implemented or applied successfully to a state of the art, cutting edge initiative.
Project Management Approach
As a business group which considers R&D to be pivotal in its state of business affairs it is imperative recognize the importance of data and role it plays on the business . The chat shows our proven strategic ways of work which has always been successful in managing any size of project that that is engaged.We set emphasis on conducting research on the key factors thus, proof of concept ,proof of market and route to market through a thorough feasibility study approach where these factors are linked in various forms to ascertain a formidable outcome.