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Does Curiosity always kills the cat ?

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Emmanuel Victor Quarm - CEO, TEK Business Group

3/31/20242 min read

worm's-eye view photography of concrete building
worm's-eye view photography of concrete building

There is this popular saying ‘curiosity kill the cat ‘However, does this statement prove meaningful at this present day and times?

First of all , it is important to establish the difference in words between curiosity and inquisitive because these words tends to me misinterpreted or used in the wrong context . So for the sake of clarity, I have taken the burden upon my self to search for the definition of both words by making reference to the dictionary. Curiosity is defined by the dictionary as a state in which you want to learn more about something or something unusual worth - perhaps worth collecting. Whilst inquisitive imply as showing curiosity or inquiring or appearing to inquire. Hence the two words can be compared and used in different context within a sentence which often prove not to be the same.I believe being curios is part of our human nature and it is normal to be inquisitive but to what extent would it be classified as absurd or extreme?

We could not have survived this long on planet earth if it was not for human behavioural ways, one of which is our curiousness which has led us to many scientific discoveries and breakthroughs. However, there is seemed to be the negative misconception about being curios due to the extreme nature in which shown thus, being inquisitive. As much as we would debate on this issue, the media plays a very important role in serving the public with information however, it is also prevalent that some organisations go the extreme lengths to collect information. Be it legal or illegal. Where the information attained may be correct or incorrect but meaningless to the subject matter. Here, the authenticity of the information is irrelevant but rather if the information was attained by meeting professional standards.

This scenario can be applied to individuals as a whole where anxiety takes the best part of us to do the unnecessary act of being inquisitive sometimes at the extreme lengths.

We live in an advanced technological world where information is the king so it comes as no surprise that the internet, since it discovery has turned into a gold mine. We have people who have mastered in the art of false access to unauthorised data and information on any computing device and electronic gadgets. Nowadays hackers go to the extreme lengths to intrude into people’s privacy to attain confidential information and on the contrary, this same method is allowed by law enforcement agencies to retrieve information on fraudulent activities.Hence it is fair to conclude that the saying; ‘Curiosity kill the cat’ can only be interpreted for any act within the context of the phrase which is deemed unacceptable, thus illegal, unauthorised, extreme or unnecessary .

I believe is our God giving rights to be curios and to be able to discover new ways of improving our living conditions on planet earth if ethical conditions are always considered.