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Emmanuel Victor Quarm - CEO, TEK Business Group

12/31/20232 min read

a man riding a skateboard down the side of a ramp
a man riding a skateboard down the side of a ramp

Becoming an entrepreneur is a huge task which if not carefully considered for what is worth could lead to some catastrophic result. It is a rough and narrow path to take and even if you manage to have all the resources at your disposal to scale and grow, you can unexpectedly have all the resources running down the drain if no-good risk mitigation plan is observed. Everyone can be an entrepreneur but there are few entrepreneurs out there who have the exposure and experience of being through thick and thin situation. One attribute that a good entrepreneur exhibits is self-confidence and intuition. Believing in yourself and your capabilities is an asset and can be a game changer when the tides are against you. This behavioural trait comes out in the face problems.

Resilient is the key to overcoming and riding over steep path when operating a business but having a resilient mind set is a character that is built within each individual. The scale factor depends on many reasons however, this is what determines any decisions made and the direction of your business. I once mentioned in a one of the notes on this page about the risk factor which is essential and crucial trait for an entrepreneur. Entrepreneurs are risk takers and being resilient sometimes calls for taking huge risk that might seem extraordinary to the ordinary person. The reason many businesses fail in the UK during the initial stage of operation is due to not having a resilient mindset. Venturing into an enterprise is a big challenge that cannot be accomplished without resilience. This becomes necessary in the face of chaos and atrocities where you are faced with challenges and tests which require self confidence on your business model and your capabilities to make it work. People might call such stories crazy but to the real entrepreneur, stories about people going through the extreme life challenges just to achieve their ambitions are inspiring. And we all need such inspiring stories as a guideline on our journey to success and believe that no matter what is thrown in your way, you will persevere and endure through the hardship to making your business a success story.

Remember, Rome was not built in a day so whatever challenges that comes in your way regarding your business goals, keep pushing. Many successful entrepreneurs accomplished success beyond their wildest dreams. So aim high at the sky, if you miss, you will be amongst the stars.